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Safe and Sound



Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You’ll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I’ll be safe and sound


Headcanon: Billa visits Thorin every day after finishing her duties for Erebor’s restoration (as consort she takes Thorin’s place, due to his battle injuries). When Thorin sees how exhausted his hobbit is, he convinces her to lie down, despite her protests of being fine, and holds her until they fall asleep. 

Sometimes Balin finds them like this. He smiles at the sight, and lets them be, if only for a few much-needed moments.

On Tumblr:…
Do not repost.
Art is mine, Thorin and Fem!Bilbo are not.

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ReaderOEllenW's avatar
Aw this is just so sweet and cute and lovey.:aww: :loves: V2